I ain't diviuging too much info here, but chirst did I need to unwind.
long story short, my crush knows that i have a crush on her, but she doesn't know that I know.
she also broke up with her old boyfriend on the same day my regular flannel became my lucky flannel.
however, she doesn't know that i know about these things. So i have to play it cool.
however, i am not too good at playing cool seeing as she managed to figure out that i even have a crush on her. She may have found out either from me being incredibly fucking obvious, or looking at my buddy Matt's phone over his shoulder.
If it's the latter he is owed a gut punch.
if it's the former then i will have to not be insanely awkward when and if she tells me.
on top of this, my other best bud Tim, gave me some advice : ask her to homecoming at some point.
I've never been to a dance, so how the bollocks would I do that.